Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs
How do I address the Lord-Lieutenant?

The correct form of address for the Lord-Lieutenant is:

Written: The Lady Colgrain, His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Kent.

Salutation: Dear Lord-Lieutenant or Dear Lady Colgrain.

In a speech: In the preamble the Lord-Lieutenant should be referred to as “My Lord-Lieutenant”. A speech might begin “Lord-Lieutenant, Ladies and Gentlemen ”.

Conversation: On formal occasions – Lord-Lieutenant or Lady Colgrain.

How long does the Lord-Lieutenant's appointment last?

The appointment is not for a fixed period. A Lord-Lieutenant serves until his or her 75th Birthday.

How does one get appointed as a Lord-Lieutenant?

The Sovereign, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, appoints Lord-Lieutenants. The opinions of a wide range of citizens in the county are taken before the Prime Minister advises The King on possible appointees.

Who is eligible for appointment as a Lord-Lieutenant?

Any person who is resident in the county is eligible for appointment as Lord-Lieutenant.

How much is the Lord-Lieutenant paid?

The Lord-Lieutenant is not paid.

What is a High Sheriff and how long do they serve?

The High Sheriff of Kent is appointed by the Sovereign at the March meeting of the Privy Council to hold Office for one year, having been nominated at a ceremony in the Royal Courts of Justice nearly three years previously. The Privy Council ceremony follows centuries of tradition, with His Majesty using a brass bodkin to prick the name of the High Sheriff who will take office in early April.

The High Sheriff is The King’s legal representative in the County and that role is discharged in providing hospitality to visiting High Court Judges, as well as regular attendance at Kent’s Courts. The High Sheriff will also be involved in numerous visits around the County providing opportunities to support agencies involved with crime prevention and law enforcement and to engage with volunteer bodies on appropriate issues.

The office is the oldest secular office in England and Wales other than the Crown, and dates back to Saxon times, when the name was ‘Shire Reeve’. Originally, the Shrievalty (pronounced ‘shreevalty’), as it is known, perfomed many responsibilities now assumed by Lord-Lieutenants, High Court Judges, Magistrates, Coroners, local authorities, the Inland Revenue and police.

Members of both Houses of Parliament, full-time members of the Judiciary, serving members of the regular armed forces and certain holders of other public offices are not eligible to serve as High Sheriffs. Historically, the prospective High Sheriff must hold sufficient land within the County ‘to answer The King and his people’. Other than that, there is no formal qualification for the role. The office is unpaid.

Who is the current High Sheriff of Kent?

The High Sheriff of Kent is Dr Gill Fargher.

Royal Family FAQs
How should I address members of the royal family?

For The King: Your Majesty on the first occasion and Sir thereafter. Other male members of the Royal family who hold the title His Royal Highness: Your Royal Highness on the first occasion and then Sir.

For female members of the Royal Family who hold the title Her Royal Highness: Your Royal Highness on the first occasion and Ma’am thereafter.

How can I nominate someone for an honour?

The honours system recognises people of outstanding merit, and those who have committed themselves to service to the nation and to their communities. You can submit a nomination at any time. Find out more about the honours process and how you can nominate someone for an award on DirectGov: Honours, awards and medals.

How can I apply, or nominate an organisation, for a King's Award?

The King’s Award for Voluntary Service is awarded for outstanding achievement by groups who regularly volunteer their own time to enhance and improve the lives of others. To nominate a group or find out more visit the The King’s Award for Voluntary Service website.

The King’s Award for Enterprise are the UK’s top awards for business performance. They are presented in the following categories:

  • international trade
  • innovation
  • sustainable development
  • promoting opportunity through social mobility

For an application form and to find out more, including whether your business meets the criteria necessary to apply, visit The Kings’s Award for Enterprise website.

How can I apply for a wedding anniversary or birthday greeting from The King?

HM The King sends congratulatory messages to those celebrating their 100th and 105th birthday and every year thereafter, and those celebrating their 60th, 65th and 70th wedding anniversaries and every year thereafter. You can find the forms and further guidance on the British Monarchy website.

How can I arrange a royal visit?

To find out how to extend an invitation from your organisation, please refer to our Royal Visits page.

It is the Lieutenancy Office that liaises with Buckingham Palace, the Private Office of the prospective Royal visitor and the host organisation.