On Tuesday 23 March 2021, the Nation marked a year since it first went into lockdown by a National Day of Reflection organised by Marie Curie.
Deputy Lieutenants joined the minute’s silence at midday including Peter Gilbert and Bhargawa Vasudaven who are currently working and volunteering at vaccination centres.
The Dean of Rochester Cathedral held a short outdoor service and was joined by the High Sheriff. Rochester Cathedral are inviting local residents to visit and tie a ribbon in any colour to the railings by the Cathedral to remember those we have lost and as a symbol of hope for the future. The railings are already filling up and this is such a touching tribute to those affected by this dreadful illness.
At 8.00pm, Deputy Lieutenants joined vigils across the country where people were invited to stand on their doorsteps and light a candle to remember those we have lost and all those who have been affected by the pandemic. The Cathedrals in the County and other locations across Kent and Medway lit their buildings in gold to join the vigil and show their support to the National Day of Reflection.