During the Summer, The Lord-Lieutenant visited the Kent Army Cadet Force Camp. Lady Colgrain saw Kent cadets taking part in various adventurous training activities, shooting on the range and also met cadets out on exercise and training in the field. Lady Colgrain said:
“I was very impressed by the young people, despite the uncertainty of the pandemic and disruption to their training and education for such a long time, they are so resilient and upbeat. It was a pleasure to meet them, hear their stories, see their enthusiasm, and marvel at how they tackled challenging exercises. I am full of admiration for their achievements and commitment to the Army Cadet Force.
They are a credit to the county and everyone who supports them. Without the volunteers who give up their time to develop these cadets and keep them safe, they would not have so many rich and varied experiences. I’m sure their time in the Force will help them throughout their adult lives. I’m so grateful to all who take part and make this annual camp such a special event.”