HRH The Duke of Kent unveiling the commemorative stone (c) David Hodgkinson
On Monday 22nd September 2014 at 11 am, HRH the Duke of Kent unveiled the newly refurbished Tonbridge Memorial Gardens in the presence of some 350 invited guests and the public.This was the culmination of a five year project by the Tonbridge Memorial Trust and Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council to raise the £250,000 to complete a high quality refurbishment to last in perpetuity to the memory of those it commemorates as well as a place of quiet contemplation in the heart of town. The Trustees are delighted with the finished product, representing exactly this vision.

HRH laying a wreath at the Memorial (c) David Hodgkinson
A successful sub-project led by the RBL Youth Officer Pam Mills and involving local schools and local sculptor Guy Portelli has led to an impressive statue sited at the far end of the gardens. Known as “The Torch” it represents the vision of Remembrance from the perspective of the town’s youth. As a lasting legacy for them this should provide inspiration and commitment as they pass the practice down to their children, grandchildren and beyond. After the unveiling the Lord Lieutenant said, ”As patron of the Tonbridge Memorial Gardens Trust I am delighted that the refurbishment has reached a successful and impressive conclusion today. This project has been a fine example of the local authority working in combination with a team of volunteers, voluntary organisations and young people, including cadets, scouts and school children to enhance the Memorial Gardens as a place of Remembrance, and peaceful contemplation, for all the people of Tonbridge to enjoy”.

HRH conversing with local school children with the new sculpture in the background. (c) David Hodgkinson