We were thrilled to be given the opportunity by The Royal Foundation to host a Community Carol Service at Rochester Cathedral as part of HRH The Princess of Wales’ ‘Together at Christmas’ initiative. Fifteen Community Carol Services are taking place across the country, inspired by The Princess of Wales’ Service at Westminster Abbey.

The theme of the services is kindness and empathy and to thank those who have shown compassion in their local communities. We were delighted to invite representatives from local charities and young people who all demonstrate these values.

Rochester Cathedral was the perfect setting for this magical service which was held in the Garth Gardens surrounded by lanterns and fairy lights. Rochester’s strong links to Charles Dickens were celebrated with the Dickensian Society in attendance. In celebration of the Dickens theme, we also welcomed a very special guest, Oliver Dickens, the great great great grandson of Charles Dickens. Oliver performed a reading from ‘A Christmas Carol’ which made the evening even more special.

The Royal Foundation very kindly provided all children in attendance, including the wonderful children’s choir, with a gift to take home with them. Mince pies, mulled wine, cookies and hot chocolate were served to warm everyone up and it was the perfect way to start the festive season.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to Rochester Cathedral for hosting such a wonderful service and thank you to all of our guests for all they do in the county to make Kent the wonderful place it is. And finally, thank you to The Royal Foundation for selecting Kent to host a Community Carol Service.

Photo Credit:
Linda Stiles
The Royal Foundation