The Lord-Lieutenant has thoroughly enjoyed presenting The King’s Award for Voluntary Service to our four winning groups. Child’s Vision received their Award in March with Academy FM, SATEDA and Sittingbourne Community Radio being presented with their Awards in April.

Academy FM Thanet is an OFCOM registered community radio station for Thanet providing support to the community. The group runs the only OFCOM registered community radio station in Thanet and has become a hub for social contact in the locality, not only for the students of the Royal Harbour Academy where it is situated, but the whole of the community of Thanet. It also provides a source of referral and promotion for local small businesses through its Academy FM Business Hub and serves 160 businesses that are now part of the station’s Business Watch group.

SATEDA supports domestic abuse victims to be safe, regain control, find their voice, and live without fear. SATEDA provides its service users with a coherent recovery journey from abuse: from crisis, to safeguarding, recovery, re-building, and returning to employment and active life. They are a pioneer in creating a “woman centred” approach to their service, where all their interventions are joined up, and continuing support is offered in different forms for as long as it is wanted and needed.

Sittingbourne Community Radio provides light entertainment to the local community, alongside information dissemination and event promotion. Listeners are briefed on local democracy and there are regular reports on local news and information. Another emphasis is in promoting the historic roots of the town via reports on local history and attendance at local events.

Photo Credits: Academy FM – James Pringle, Sittingbourne Community Radio – Photographic Services SATEDA – Jane Ward