Beth James, Square Pegs Director, receives the Queen’s Award from the Vice-Lord-Lieutenant, Mr Richard Oldfield. (c) Matt White.
Square Pegs, a youth arts organisation for people with special needs aged 7-25 exists for young people who don’t fit in with mainstream activities because of learning or communication difficulties. The group which started 12 years ago, were very proud to receive the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in November, the only organisation in the county in 2017 to be presented with the accolade. Beth James, Square Pegs Director, received the award from the Vice-Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, Richard Oldfield, at a special ceremony to celebrate the occasion.

Square Pegs members Abigail Macgregor, Sarah Williams and Yasmin Bishop enjoy a light-hearted moment with the Vice-Lord-Lieutenant after the ceremony’s formalities. (c) Matt White.
The organisation holds five weekly drama clubs and monthly singing and film club sessions in Chatham, Maidstone and Canterbury for around 70 young people a week. The next planned progression is for Square Pegs to create a professional theatre company to build on the high standard it has achieved to date. The organisation has also applied for charity status and if successful, it will create more opportinites for funding.